Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day in the Life of Looms 2011

Love Meg's tradition of candid loom shots on the first of the year!!

You can join in too if you have a loom.

On the Toika, cut-off grey cottolin warp that will become towels...after I unravel the mystery of the vertical lines that appeared when I wet-finished the sample.

On the baby wolf, a cut off white tencel warp. I'm changing from a summer and winter threading from a Susan Wilson workshop to an overshot threading for the remainder of my samples.

Hopefully "dully-colored cut-off warps" is just a snapshot in time, not a theme for 2011 for me!

Here's to a great year for all of us!


Delighted Hands said...

Your studio looks like a great place to spend time this winter!

Theresa said...

Get those looms busy! ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess that loom is the happiest in your house!!!

Deanna said...

What a great tradition! Will have to get photos of my looms to post on my blog - perhaps that will spur me into getting some weaving done, finally!
Happy New Year!

Gjeani said...

Happy Newyear to you too! Isn't it a great tradition! seeing all those looms on blogs.

Meg said...

Oh, no, "dull" can be the best ever warps. There is so much that can happen to them!! I do wish I had a window like yours to gaze outside while weaving...

Marion B. said...

Because of your blog post I found out about photographing our looms. Fun, isn't it? Happy new year.

Lois Evensen said...

Your loom in front of those beautiful windows looks like a lovely place to work at your craft.

Happy 2011,

Sara said...

Your looms are beautiful!

Synnøve. said...

Hello my friend.
Want to say a thousen thanks for your new years greetings.
Il haven been as good as I should to visit you the past autum. But that will change.

We have had a cold december with temperatures down to minus 34 degrees celsius.
Even the car was frozen....
But thats normaly here.
Today its only 5 degrees cold.

With best whises from Norway.

sorry for my bad english :))
Hugs Synnöve.

LA said...

I'm playing catch's so nice seeing your looms at the beginning of this new year. I'll be posting mine on Saturday!

Maggie said...

Dull? A white warp is just a blank slate waiting to be filled! Or so I like to tell myself...