When Ruby sent me the warp, we had 15 people registered for the class. I was going to be the only person warping a loom for this design.
By the time of the class, we had 5 more attendees. Another weaver was able to bring a floor loom warped with the exact same thing as my table loom. It seems like about half the class wove on each loom.
I might have a yard or two of this warp left. I don't want to unwind it to measure it because the tension has stayed even so far. (That's not always the case for me.)
Goals for this project:
- Weave the warp off this loom so I can return the loom to its owner in a timely fashion!
- Make something that I like out of this warp
At the end of the workshop, Ruby told us to go ahead and wind quills of the colors we'd need to finish our warps. I should have wound more of every color.
What I did instead (besides weaving up to the very last minute), was run around taking photos. I ran out of quills and managed to borrow a few. I did wind a few full quills of the dark blue. I'll have to figure out what to do about that.
Meanwhile, my loom is threaded with a straight draw on 4 shafts. I scoured Handweaving.net for drafts with this threading.
I'm not crazy about twill or plain weave for this project. I want to experiment with different options and pick what I like best.
I packaged up about 20 drafts on Handweaving.net, downloaded them to my PC, and slurped them back into Fiberworks PCW. Very cool and very easy.
Then I could start experimenting with my favorites.
But I'm not as crazy about it when I weave 2 repeats.
These crescents seem kind of cute.
And I like them when they're woven.
But when I weave both the fusilli and the bricks, they kind of disappear. This picture has 2 rows of the fusilli and one of the bricks.
I had also picked out this draft....but didn't even try it. I think it will just get lost like the fusilli.
I ended up dividing the weft colors into 3 piles: blue (I have 3 full quills!), greens (5 quills of different amounts), reddish colors (3 quills, including the very bright pink that's in the warp.)
My plan is to make an asymmetrical plaid with 4, 2, 3, then 1 repeats of the crescents. I'll change colors in each segment and I'll work in blue, green, red, blue, green, red, etc.
Related posts:
Cutting off one towel
Samples from the workshop
Day 1 of color workshop
Day 2 of color workshop (I guess I was too tired to write about day 3!)
Ruby's Teaching Schedule
Thanks for sharing those exercises. That's the thing that I need to do because I'm not going to get the opportunity for a class. At some point I suppose I'll need to buy weaving software.
The other day Sammi was doing the Bailey frog posture. She got up before I could get a picture. She's so huge, it just looks nuts when she does it.
What a great way to decide on a pattern - your process seems very thoughfull. I too am faced with a borrowed loom and a mystery warp. I still haven't progressed with the weaving as I still can't get the loom to give me a decent shed. Ah well, all things with time!
There's a lot of weaving software out there - and you can probably do a lot with the free software that's available. I think Weavezine or some one just did a feature on free weaving software.
Sharon, That would be great if you got a picture of Sammi doing the frog pose!! I've only seen our two consecutive Brittanys lie like that!
One of the things that stuck with me in Ruby's workshop was even an accomplished weaver who teaches classes about color samples in every warp. She typically warps 25 yards, and uses 2 yards for samples - she tries different yarns and different colors - 2 inches per sample - and then chooses what works best with her warp.
A borrowed loom with a mystery warp. Scissors would tempt me.....but because threading is so hard for me....weaving it would probably win out!! Good luck!
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