Monday, January 25, 2010

Colors of January

This month, there's no avoiding snow and ice as I take pictures of color combinations found in nature.

It's getting more and more difficult to find hints of color outside, as the palette of the world around me shifts toward white and wintry.

I'd love to see the color combinations in the natural world around you!!



Ice on the Oyster River

Snow-covered furrows


Rose hips and the Lamprey River


If you want to join in the fun, it's easy:
  • Post photos of the colors in nature this month on your blog - linking back to this post so your guests can find everyone else's entries
  • Put a link to your post in this MckLinky list, including your location!!
The list will be open until February 1. Can't wait to see the colors where you live!

Previous months:
Colors of December
Colors of November
Colors of Late October


Synnøve. said...

Il think you got plenty of colours in those pictures. Its wintercolours.
Nice pictures.

Her we have got the cold back. 17 minus degress celsius again.
When will it end?

Hugs Synnöve.

Delighted Hands said...

Okay, I will play......give me a few days to make the shots! I especially like the river pic with the ice

Annie said...

A few days ago I made the pictures for the blog I linked here. They double as posts for the ABC-along on Ravelry.
It was good I took phots when I did: an hour later everything was covered in snow again and it's still (very) white here, and cold!
I love your photos and find lots of colour in it!

Julie said...

What beautiful pictures! Right now the only color we have going on is white! Yes its snowing hard!

Dave Daniels said...

The red of the building, the blue sky, and the gold of the grasses/reeds would be a nice combination in a woven piece.

Janet said...

Colours of January - you've really captured New Hampshire. I was hoping to visit but have now changed plans and am staying in Seattle a while longer. Am busy collecting my colours - will post soon.

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

I've always loved that green color on the mallards. It's so rich looking -- almost velvet-like. As always, your photos are awesome.

Jennifer said...

Ummm - I don't really have colors for SC, but I do have the New Zealand ones - I'll get to work on that!

Sara said...

Oh, I think I am playing this month!!! Maybe tomorrow...

Life Looms Large said...

Glad to see that some of you already have your colors up!!! And there's still plenty of January left!!


Leigh said...

Actually I like the subdued winter colors. Yours really make the blue sky sing! I still have a lot of green, but we've had very few days of blue sky.

charlotte said...

Beautiful photos! I like the ice-covered river especially well. I doubt that I can manage to do a colors of January post, but I'll come back some other month.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy the Colors of the month, Sue!