That's an unexpected 4 inches of snow that fell quietly overnight. I said yesterday that we needed some pretty snow....since yesterday we got slushy, messy snow. My wish was granted.
You might remember that I didn't make New Year's Resolutions this year. I did choose 4 projects that were bugging me, and planned to finish them all in January.
I finished one. Today I started the next.....
Last March we re-painted our bedroom after a long, snowy winter. We went with bright orange and yellow paint. The pastel blue bedskirt doesn't quite fit with the new vibrant color scheme.
I shopped everywhere, and couldn't find a bedskirt for a king-sized bed, in bright colors that I liked. (Please, don't tell me that you know where I can find a great one...because now I'm committed to sewing a bedskirt out of this striped fabric. I really wanted to solve this problem by shopping, not sewing.....but such is life!)
I sneakily took over the dining room for this project....justifying it by saying my studio is too full of looms to fit a sewing project. Since this project is for the house....I should be able to sew it in the house. Clever, eh?
I'm changing the pattern slightly because I don't have quite enough fabric to make the pattern as designed. I had to think, use my calculator, and even make a tiny graph paper template. (I'm such an engineer sometimes!)
As the saying goes "Measure twice, Cut once." I did just that, and chopped the fabric into the side and end panels for the bedskirt. More math will follow no doubt.
Hopefully I won't be back here begging for ideas for where I can buy a bright bedskirt (because that would mean the project has collapsed or at least become incredibly frustrating!)
What a colourful project to take on during a snowy day. Can't wait to see it finished.
Great fabric! Stepping into your bedroom must be a little like stepping into a tropical island. Love the colors.
I like that shade of orange and the stripe is perfect with it.
Thanks for the comment about the Christmas cactus on my blog. If you go to Edit Profile, and put a check mark in front of show email, you will no longer be a no-reply blogger when you leave comments.
I can't wait to see this project finished too!!! I ran out of thread working on it it's stalled til I get to the store....but so far so good!
Yes - the tropics - that's the plan!!
Thanks for your ideas about my Profile Exuberant Color!! Not sure I want the world to be able to email me though....I'm bad at keeping up with email!
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