Remember that huck towel I agonized over? Look at it now!!!!
That's right - it is on a table, at the front of a classroom, rubbing hucks (like rubbing elbows?) with the original towel by Rosalie Neilson. Shocking and so cool!
How did this happen? A weaving buddy told me that the Weavers Guild of Boston was having a course taught by Rosalie Neilson, so I signed up as a guest of the guild.
At the start of the class, I was helping get the classroom set up and saw the original towel. I was excited because I'd tucked my towel in my bag just in case I got the courage to show it to anyone. I just showed it quickly to Rosalie, and she's so nice - she said "Oh, just put it here in front with the others." Wow! Brushed by fame!
Oh - the class.....
Great slides of Rosalie's work. So inspiring to see her designs and learn some about her design process and see so much interesting and beautiful work. She brought a whole suitcase full of fabulous weaving.
Plus, Fibonacci Fudge....weaving, math and chocolate - many of my favorite things - all combined in a fabulous mixture.
Afternoon lecture on blocks....which I still need to digest more. Rosalie gave me some ideas and said I should post about them in my blog. More soon!
Related posts:
Cutting off a single towel: One Stick Trick
Worrying at the start of the warp
More start of warp worrying
The beginning of this project
What fun, and what a lovely dose of gorgeous color. And isn't Rosalie a lovely person?!
Your towel is beautiful!!!!
Rosalie's class must have been loads of fun. What great colors.
Thats so beautiful! I wish i could make something like that one day!
Rosalie is a really wonderful person. I'd take another class from her any time!!
I love her sense of color!!
Sue...the ripsmatta towels aren't hard......just take it a step at a time......I suggest reading the instructions twice before starting. They are time consuming......but this is the second time I have made them,and they turn out great.
Amazing colours - It just makes me want to try all thos fabulous combinations.....
Your towels turned out lovely! You are lucky to have taken that workshop. It sounds like a blast!
Sounds like a great workshop. I love the wrappings and the way they explore color. And your towel turned out really great!
Wonderful indeed! How fun and what great colors.
The towels came out great! You should be very proud of them. Weave on!
The towels came out great! You should be very proud of them. Weave on!
Whoa... all that colour! Such pretty, pretty things! Love those stripe wrappings in particular. MmmMmm.
I must confess, though, what caught my eye was your list of favourite things: "weaving, math and chocolate". Add to that digital photography and I'm starting to think maybe we're twins separated at birth. ;P
If so, then you'd probably like this t-shirt as much as I do (got myself one for xmas).
- Janet, weaver, math major, chocoholic and amateur photographer
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