Lots of people commented with their different techniques.
At the end of the Ruby Leslie's color workshop in April, we cut off the warps so we could distribute the samples. (We each took home the samples we wove.)
We did a very simple version of cutting off: leave a 1 inch gap after the samples, weave about half an inch of plain weave, insert a dowel, weave an inch and cut.
The only dowel I had that was as narrow as the table loom was a stake from the second flower stalk from this orchid. The dowel was flimsy to say the least - but it worked fine.
I lashed on at home with a shoelace - and it worked out just fine. The warp maintained even tension.
Shoelaces are great to use for lacing because of the aglet (that firm end piece). I'm a runner, so I go through the cushioning in my shoes long before the shoelaces wear out. (Anyone need shoelaces??)
I will probably get in the habit of cutting off a bit at the front of a warp that I'm uncertain about so I can see how finishing affects the fabric. Glad to know it doesn't have to be difficult!!
Related posts:
Cutting off one towel
Samples from the workshop
Day 1 of color workshop
Day 2 of color workshop (I guess I was too tired to write about day 3!)
Ruby's Teaching Schedule
Sue, such a simple way to do it. Great pictures! I don't cut off in process all that often but it when you gotta do it, you gotta do it and that is a wonderful technique. You must be building up a great sample book too!
Hey - is that the final on the sunroom walls behind the orchid???? Hmmmm? Looks great - are you happy with it?
Theresa, I've never been much of a sample book person, but maybe now that I know how to cut off the warp so easily I will be!!!
Final paint....that sounds so final! It is growing on us though! I have to post some pictures to show why!!
Hey Sue
Thanks for all the nice comments. It is so fun with all the blog friends. I have often read your blog and look at your nice pictures, both in buildings and tissues.
Have a nice weekend.
Great pictures and easy to follow instructions.
Your orchid is beautiful.
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