If I hadn't been buying up a storm at the New Hampshire Weavers Guild yarn table, and if I didn't have two complete knitting projects - a sweater and a set of two tote bags - in my yarn stash, I certainly would have brought even more home with me!
We'll go in order by price in this post - lowest to highest!
These patterns and hanks of 12 inch lengths of yarn were in the free bin. I couldn't resist! Free is my favorite price!
This was from the $1 a ball wall. I like that price too.
I'm thinking I can use these as highlight yarns in some weaving, or as warp (the cone). I secretly want to knit a puppet out of the green yarn.
The green yarn seemed super garish in the store, but the longer I held it, the more I liked it! It's soft and cushy - so if any of you know of a puppet pattern let me know!! I've done no research on it yet!
Over in the UK, Dot has been weaving faboo scarves with sock yarn....so if I'm going to frog this scarf anyway, I might weave it. Or frog then knit. We'll see!
I'd just reached the point in this project where I needed the button to be able to continue.
I didn't have the purse with me, but I'm really happy with the way the button and the purse look together.
My knitting buddies may have thought I showed admirable restraint on this shopping trip.....but you guys know how much yarn I've been adding to my stash lately. Restraint is not my specialty!!
Very nice yarn you bought. I am looking forward to se what you make of it. I saw the pictures of your lovely porch and I wish I had one just like that. Seems like a perfect spot for knitting in summerevenings?! Viktoria
EWwwww those are yummie!
Jealous all over again. What great buys!!! Looking forward to seeing what you do with these fabulous yarns. Button is a perfect match.
What a great shopper....I love the ribbon yarn for knitted scarves. I think that you are spot on with the button!
I cannot begin to imagine what such a shopping opportunity would feel like. What I feel is envy. I put a nut and washer on a bag out of frustration - I would love to have your fastener. Thanks for taking us shopping with you.
Love your careful yarn buying, gently building up to the more pricey.You are lucky to find places to buy such a great mixed range. Here in UK we have a few suppliers but most of the mills where you could pick up cone ends have closed.
Your bag is great and will be stored in my projects to try file (in my head!)Blogging is great for generating ideas. The button is 'just right'.
Love the buys!!! As my husband says - can't afford not to! Fortunately it's a store front that is still there and will be there in the future! Very jealous - Excited for you that you found yarn for that scarf!
Nice score on all the yarn. Wow, what great prices too. I may have to add that to my list of yarn stores to get to.
Great buys! I really love your purse, itlooks so good!
Thanks for humoring me by looking at my purchases!!
I'm still working on the purse, but I will do another post or two with more pictures and details about it. I do think it would be a nice purse to make out of handwoven fabric at some point!!
Even though the Classic Elite factory store is in Lowell, and Classic Elite once made yarn in Lowell I think - now the yarn is not made in the US. But the corporate headquarters still seems to be in Lowell from what I could gather.
Theresa, I've been meaning to update my post about my trip to the yarn store to add other info about textile things to see in Lowell. There is a quilt museum and a museum of textile history, in addition to the historic park that shows the history of industrializing weaving.
Thanks for being enthusiastic about yarn!! It's good to have blogging friends!!
I totally love this bag! What a great button! And I'm pretty smiten with the sock yarn scarf too... I must resist! I must resist! I MUST resist!
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