We were very lucky to be among the first 10% of people to have power restored. Our power came back on just before midnight on Friday night, so we were only without power for 24 hours.
Today is my first day with temporary internet access. (Yay for cafes, libraries and businesses with working internet!! It may be a while before we have access at home again.) I'm excited to find out what's going on in the world....having only had my local paper for info so far. (Although we have radios, there's little to no local coverage on the radio.)
Thanks to google reader's ability to read offline, I've downloaded all of the latest and greatest in blogs I follow. I'm definitely not going to be able to keep up on comments right now. Sorry about that! I don't mean to be an unfriendly blogger!! I always appreciate your comments, ideas and support.
Warp painting
I have been hard at work painting the red, yellow and orange warp for pillow shams and then rinsing all the painted warps.
Last time I dyed, our hot water was about 120 degrees. This time Jim turned up the temperature on our water heater so that the water was 140. (Definitely something to be cautious about whenever you wash your hands or shower.....that's hot!)
The 140 degrees really made a difference in how quickly I was able to get the water to run clear. I followed ProChem's instructions with room temperature rinses, followed by hot synthrapol rinses.
The warps are air-drying now. I will document this project better soon. I see from your comments that I did some unusual things.